Found 2 result(s)

11.12.2019 (Wednesday)

Generalised Quotients

Exceptional Seminar Falk Hassler (University of Oviedo)

14:00 QMW
room G O Jones 610

Generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions are a powerful tool to construct consistent truncations in Double and Exceptional Field Theories. Recently, it turned out that they are also closely related to Poisson-Lie T-duality. However, the most general form of Poisson-Lie T-duality, the dressing coset construction, can not be implemented in terms of a generalised Scherk-Schwarz ansatz. I will show that implementing it in generalised geometry leads to a natural extension of the generalised Scherk-Schwarz ansatz which comes with many new features: 1) Partial or full breaking of SUSY which allows to find many new examples of generalised Kähler or Calabi-Yau Manifolds. 2) Singular backgrounds with localised sources. 3) Localised vector multiplets while still resulting in consistent truncations.

15.03.2019 (Friday)

Integrability, Poisson-Lie Symmetry and Double Field Theory

Regular Seminar Hassler Falk (University of Oviedo)

14:00 IC
room SAF 119

I review how integrability allows us to explore the planar limit of the AdS/CFT correspondence for arbitrary values of the t'Hooft coupling. In string theory integrability of the 2D σ-model is closely related to Poisson-Lie Symmetry. Double Field Theory can be used to make this symmetry manifest and therewith provides a new tool to study the implications for the gravity side of the correspondence.